MOCOS Group forecasting the December peak in coronavirus cases 


The peak of the fourth wave of coronavirus infections may occur in December when the daily number of diagnosed cases may reach up to 40,000. Such forecasts were presented by Prof. Tyll Krüger from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, head of the MOCOS group creating models for the development of the pandemic.

– We are currently observing a very strong increase in infections, but it must be remembered that the fourth wave started quite a long time ago, in August. We had a small number of infections then, but then the first spike appeared, and we have another one in October. We are forecasting the peak for mid-December, but what is most worrying, the demand for beds in hospitals will exceed 40,000. This is a huge problem – says Prof. Krüger.

The MOCOS Group (MOdeling COronavirus Spread) Wrocław is the initiator of the international research project MOCOS International. It deals with risk analysis, creates forecasts for the next days and weeks, as well as recommendations on how to fight COVID-19.


Medicine and biotechnology