More implementation PhDs to be awarded at the AGH University of Science and Technology 

fot. AGH w Krakowie

Ten applications from the AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH) in Krakow have been pre-qualified for funding in the Ministry of Education and Science’s (MEiN) ‘Implementation PhD 2023’ programme.

Three of the successful applications from AGH relate to the discipline of materials engineering, two to the disciplines of automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies. The remaining applications relate to the following disciplines: civil engineering, geodesy and transport; technical informatics and telecommunications; mechanical engineering; earth and environmental sciences; and sociological sciences.

“Implementation PhD” is a programme of the MEiN, which is an alternative route to obtaining a doctoral degree. It is addressed to people who want to develop their scientific career and at the same time do not want to give up their career outside the university. The doctoral student receives double remuneration: one for his or her work in an enterprise and the other for a scholarship from MEiN.

Research and development