National Science Center allocates PLN 15 million for scientists within the MINIATURE 5 competition


The National Science Center (NCN) has announced the MINIATURE 5 call for the implementation of single research activity to prepare a future research project. It has allocated a total of PLN 15 million for scientists.

Scientists may apply for funding for the implementation of preliminary or pilot research, inquiry, internship, research trip or consultation trip.

The main goal of the competition is to provide financial support for a scientific activity aimed at preparing a future research project to be submitted in NCN calls or other national or international calls.

The competition is addressed to persons with a doctoral title obtained not earlier than January 1, 2009, with at least one published work or at least one artistic or artistic-scientific achievement.

The competition application must be submitted by the entity where the researcher is employed. The duration of the research activities may not exceed 12 months, and the amount of funding must be limited between PLN 5,000 and PLN 50,000. PLN.


Research and development