National Science Center to launch the third Dioscuri competition


The National Science Center (NCN) has launched the third Dioscuri competition. Foreign scientists can apply for the creation of three centers of scientific excellence in units in Poland.

The Dioscuri competition was created on the initiative of the Max Planck German Society and it is organized in cooperation with the National Science Center for the third time. Its purpose is to enable the creation of research teams in Poland capable of successfully competing on the international arena. The competition is open to researchers from all fields of science. The call for proposals lasts until March 23, 2020.

The Dioscuri Center is supposed to be developed by an outstanding scientist. The leader selected in the competition will establish and lead a research group that will achieve significant results in its field. The amount of 300,000 euro per year for a period of five years will be allocated to the operation of one center.

Research and development