New method for using ultrafast magnetic holographic recording in 3D displays

Nature Communication

Physicists from the University of Bialystok (UwB) and the Warsaw University of Technology (PW), in collaboration with scientists from Japan and the Netherlands, have proposed a new method of using ultrafast magnetic recording to create and display dynamic holographic images.

As the authors of the publication write in Nature Communication, the results will allow to overcome the barrier of resolution, speed of computation and display of holographic images, especially in 3D eye displays.

The essence of the discovery lies in the use of an optomagnetic medium to record computer-generated holograms. This is a known synthetic alloy of gadolinium, iron and cobalt in the form of a 20 nanometre-thick layer on a glass substrate. The unusual feature of this material is its ability to magnetically record arbitrary patterns using only pulses from a femto- or picosecond laser, in a reproducible and reversible manner.

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