New teaching laboratory for aerospace students at Wrocław University of Science and Technology

fot. LR Politechnika Wrocławska

A laboratory for avionics and aircraft on-board systems has opened at the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Students of aeronautics and cosmonautics will be able to carry out laboratory classes there on four new teaching stations, which allow them to simulate the operation of selected aircraft on-board devices and systems.

The workstations consist of more than 40 independent modules containing elements of aircraft equipment, including a digital artificial horizon, digital fuel gauge-flow meter, magneto-electric and reluctance tachometer, thermoelectric piston engine head temperature sensor, combined indicator of power unit operating parameters, as well as altimeters, speedometers and variometers.

The new teaching stations are used by aerospace students. They have laboratory classes there as part of four courses: fundamentals of avionics, avionics, on-board installations and aircraft on-board systems.

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Technical sciences