Opole opens University International Research and Development Centre for Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry

Uniwersytet Opolski

The International Research and Development Centre of the University of Opole for Agriculture and the Agro-Food Industry was opened in Opole and Prószków – on the premises of the former Royal Pomological Institute. The unit includes 18 laboratories and research laboratories.

The Centre is a modern scientific and research centre, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for comprehensive and professional research for agriculture and the agri-food industry. It is a unique multidisciplinary facility, which was established thanks to the activity of experienced scientific staff of the University of Opole. It will be able to test, among other things, food, water and soil samples, wastewater, fertilisers or industrial waste.

The total cost of the investment, which began in 2020, was almost PLN 45 million. More than PLN 11 million was the University of Opole’s own contribution.

Read more: https://uni.opole.pl/page/5848/mcbr-uo-juz-otwarte

Research and development