Opole University launches Holidays with excavations, i.e. the palaeontology camps in Krasiejów

Uniwersytet Opolski

Several dozen people took part in a student exploration camp in Krasiejów, organised by the European Centre for Palaeontology and the Institute of Biology at the University of Opole (UO) The camp participants learned about excavation techniques and the preparation of macro- and micro-fossils of vertebrates.

The unearthed remains are cleaned and then dissected. Some of them are displayed in museum exhibitions in Opole, Krasiejów or Gdańsk, while others are stored in university warehouses. The tradition of exploration camps in Krasiejów dates back twenty years. They are often attended by foreign guests.

“Enthusiasts from many countries come here because the site in Krasiejów with its hundreds of thousands of bones is famous all over the world and many publications have been written about it. This year, one of the camps hosted members of the Belgian Palaeontological Society”, says an assistant at the UO Institute of Biology, Dawid Mazurek.

Read more: https://uni.opole.pl/page/5190/wakacje-z-wykopaliskami-czyli-obozy-paleontologiczne-w-krasiejowie
