Opole University of Technology is starting cooperation with SWPS University. The main points of the agreement signed by the partners are the exchange of scientific staff, support in teaching and joint scientific research.
“We have recently joined KreativEU – Knowledge and Creativity. This is a prestigious consortium that brings together 11 European higher education institutions. Now we are initiating a collaboration with a cutting-edge centre, the SWPS University, which is known for its excellent reputation in psychology and social sciences. I believe that this synergy will allow us to carry out innovative initiatives and research that will have a real impact not only on our universities, but also on society”, says Professor Marcin Lorenc, Rector of the Opole University of Technology.
The plans include cooperation in the fields of psychology and computer science. The agreement also assumes joint scientific research, conferences and other scientific events, as well as cooperation of student scientific clubs.
Read more: https://po.edu.pl/politechnika-opolska-i-uniwersytet-swps-rozpoczynaja-wspolprace/