PhD student Kamil Kozdrój presents the first implementation doctorate at the University of Zielona Góra 


PhD student Kamil Kozdrój will be the first author of an implementation doctorate in the history of the University of Zielona Góra. The topic of his dissertation is the development and implementation of electronic service in the form of the so-called “durable medium”, enabling the processing and management of sensitive electronic documents.

– The “durable medium” mechanism has been increasingly used in recent years by financial institutions (e.g. banks) to inform and secure (through the use of cryptographic methods) and confidential (using the so-called “trusted third party”) confirmation by clients of the documents processed (regulations, contract terms, price lists) – says the doctoral student.

The use of the proposed e-service solution with a durable medium will contribute to the reduction of costs and the negative impact on the environment generated by the traditional circulation of paper documents.

More: Uniwersytet – zielonogorskim


Higher education Innovations