Podkarpackie Forum of Science and Business


Creating new products, building solutions based on European and global trends, creating innovation are the goals of the Podkarpackie Science and Business Forum, which will be held online on 1-2 December 2020.

The event is addressed to entrepreneurs, employers’ organizations, clusters, universities, research laboratories, scientists and inventors, doctoral students as well as investors, representatives of startups, investment funds, students and science clubs.

The aim of the forum is to support the cooperation of entrepreneurs and scientists in terms of creating innovation and new research as well as changing the operating patterns of their organizations in the future caused by the coronavirus epidemic. The practitioners and experts from various industries will provide information on how to develop business, the process of creating new products and services, and build solutions based on European and global trends. The event is also a specific platform for dialogue and integration for all forum addressees – said Wojciech Fiksa, Event Project Manager of the Podkarpackie Innovation Center.


Events Modern economy