Poles trust scientists more and more


According to the latest research on social attitudes towards science – the State of Science Index, which is regularly conducted around the world by the American concern 3M Poles trust scientists more and more.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the level of skepticism among Poles decreased, compared to 2018, from 27 percent to 20 percent, and the level of trust in scientists increased from 78 to 85 percent.

77 percent Poles believe that science plays a key role in solving public health crises, and 73% expect a COVID-19 vaccine.

The State of Science Index also shows the attitudes of Poles towards science compared to other countries in Europe and the world. Within two years, the belief in the importance of science in the everyday life of Poles increased by almost a half – from 37 to 54 percent. Poles are followed by the British (46%), Germany (44%) and the Japanese (31%) and the Americans (59%).


