Poland to receive EUR 100 million for “Enterprise Development and Innovation” under Norwegian and EEA funds


During the conference inaugurating the third program of Norwegian and EEA funds, the Minister of Investment and Development Jerzy Kwieciński announced that PLN 3.5 billion from these funds for Poland will be allocated to projects related to culture, health, innovation and entrepreneurship development.

The first three programs were launched under Norwegian and EEA Funds: ‘Education’, ‘Research’ and ‘Local Development’. Soon four more programs will be implemented, such as: “Culture”, “Home Affairs”, “Health”, “Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation”.

The largest amount of funds under the third program (EUR 100 million) was allocated to the “Enterprise Development and Innovation” program, which will be managed by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. Micro, small and medium enterprises can apply for this support in the successively announced calls.

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