Polish Academy of Sciences established a Team for Stem Cells and Cellular Therapies

Piotr Kamionka/REPORTER

A Team for Stem Cells and Cellular Therapies has been established at Faculty V of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in response to the need to disseminate knowledge in the therapeutic potential of cells as active substances in medicinal products. 

For years, medicine has been looking for new therapeutic tools to support existing standard treatment methods, including cell therapies using so-called advanced therapy cellular medicinal products (ATMPs), reports PAN.

The members of the Team point out that the significant progress made in stem cell research in recent years has contributed to the introduction of some of them into the clinical trial phase and that science defines many types of stem cells, and the division used is related to their properties and therapeutic-regenerative potential. The team emphasises that cell therapies are not new procedures and are well documented.

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Medicine and biotechnology