Polish and Ukrainian diploma for future media specialists

Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

The Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (UAM) undertakes cooperation with the Lviv National University of Ivan Franko (LUN). The contract was signed by the rectors of both universities -Prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska and Prof. Volodymyr Melnyk.

The agreement concerns the possibility of pursuing graduate studies conducted by the Faculty of Journalism LUN in the field of new media and information technologies by UAM students and the implementation of master studies conducted by the Faculty of Political Sciences and Journalism of the Adam Mickiewicz University in the field of journalism and social communication by students of LUN.

Students participating in the project will earn two Master’s degrees as long as they fulfill all the requirements set out in the contract. A person who completes the Integrated Study Program described in the document will become a Master of Journalism and Social Communication (specialization in journalism) at UAM and a Master of Journalism (in the field of new media and communication technologies) at LUN.

More: https://amu.edu.pl/dla-mediow/komunikaty-prasowe/dwa-dyplomy-magisterskie-dla-przyszlych-specjalistow-od-mediow


Higher education