University of Wrocław in the Arqus alliance obtained funding from the European Commission for the next 4 years

Uniwersytet Wrocławski

The Arqus Alliance of European Universities including the University of Wrocław, received funding under the European Commission (EC) competition for the next 4 years of operation. The Alliance applied for funding from the Erasmus Plus program for the implementation of activities in the years 2022-2026 and received funding in the amount of EUR 14.4 million.

This is another EC funding for the network of universities established in 2019 – the first grant covered the years 2019-2022. The Arqus European University Alliance is a long-term initiative that connects the universities of Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon, Minho, Padua, Vilnius and Wrocław,

Arqus, being a people-centered alliance, aims to promote a multilingual, international, entrepreneurial and innovative approach to education, research and innovation. Arqus Universities are working together to create a modern, open, integrated and research-oriented European University, informs the University of Wrocław.


Higher education