Polish-Belgian project by University of Wrocław researcher

Kateryna_Kon/easyFotostock/East News

Dr Zuzanna Drulis-Kawa from the University of Wrocław will be carrying out a project on bacteriophages (bacterial viruses) and their use in the fight against multidrug-resistant pathogens (MDR). The research will be conducted in partnership with scientists from Belgium.

As mortality from infections caused by MDR strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae without traditional therapeutic options is increasing dramatically, the World Health Organisation has designated this bacterium as a priority 1 (critical) pathogen. Therefore, finding alternative and effective therapies is of paramount importance.

This bacterium can produce more than eighty different envelope types, hence finding effective anti-virulent/antibacterial agents is particularly difficult. 

The project focuses on typical basic research, but the results will have a very significant economic and social impact, especially in the public health sector.

Read more: https://uwr.edu.pl/odwieczna-walka-bakterii-i-ich-wirusow/

Medicine and biotechnology