Polish-French researchers study photoactive organic materials


Scientists of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology together with their colleagues of the French University of Angers will conduct advanced research on the interaction of light with organic materials. The project “Novel organic materials for nano / micro lasing and nonlinear optics” is financed under PHC Polonium, a bilateral exchange program for scientists supervised by the National Agency for Academic Exchange.

Researchers will investigate how to optimize the chemical structure of optically nonlinear organic and luminescent chromophores to obtain sufficient material properties suitable for practical application in modern nanophotonics and optoelectronics.

Potential applications of such photoactive materials include Li-Fi data transmission technology, organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), white light lasers, planar fibers, photovoltaic cells, transistors, phototransistors and logic gates.

More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/polsko-francuskie-badania-nad-fotoaktywnymi-materialami-11818.html

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