Polish-German research into the structure of human milk


The Gdansk University of Technology is the leader of the Polish-German consortium for the project ‘Digestion of human milk in relation to infants born prematurely’. The other consortium members are the Medical University of Gdansk and the German University of Stuttgart.

This is the first international, cooperative study on this scale of the influence of the structure of human milk on the release of nutrients during digestion. The researchers aim to provide extensive scientific data on how the stage of lactation can affect the digestion of human milk and the bioavailability of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract of preterm and term-born infants. 

The data acquired will be used in mathematical modelling, the results of which can provide a scientific basis for the design of the composition and structure of new human milk supplements for lactation. The full amount of research funding in Poland is over PLN 1.95 million.

Read more: https://ncn.gov.pl/sites/default/files/listy-rankingowe/2022-09-15-opu8jisl/streszczenia/572558-pl.pdf

Medicine and biotechnology