Polish project received the first grant in the Weave-UNISONO competition


The project “Specific pathomechanisms of aging-related endothelial dysfunction in sepsis: investigation of mechanisms and experimental therapy” was carried out by the team of Prof. Chłopicki at the Jagiellonian Center for Drug Development in Krakow, in cooperation with the team of Prof. Csaba Szabó from the Swiss University of Friborg, received almost PLN 3.5 million within the Weave-UNISONO competition for international research projects of an outstanding scientific level, which was run for the first time by the National Science Center.

The Weave-UNISONO competition is organized under the Weave program, which aims to simplify the procedures for submitting and selecting projects involving researchers from two or three European countries / regions. The program is based on the lead agency procedure, which in practice means that joint, international projects are assessed in only one institution – the lead agency. It is competent for one of the teams participating in the project, within the competition which is a permanent element of its offer.

The role of the lead agency in the evaluation of the application with the participation of the team of Prof. Chłopicki was performed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

Medicine and biotechnology