Polish researchers prove that belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories increases the risk of anxiety and depression


Silesian scientists and students have examined the relationship between belief in false beliefs about COVID-19 and the severity of symptoms of anxiety and depression. The project was implemented at the Department of Psychiatry of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty, as an initiative of the staff of the Department and an employee of the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice and students from the Students’ Scientific Club at the Department of Psychiatry.

The preliminary results of the research are presented in the article “Conspiratorial beliefs about COVID-19 pandemic – can they pose a mental health risk? The relationship between conspiracy thinking and the symptoms of anxiety and depression among adult Poles” in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry.

The COVID-19 pandemic is marked by conspiracy theories spread by denying circles. Research has shown that believing in false beliefs can also be harmful to mental health, because it increases the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms.

More: https://sum.edu.pl/uczelnia/wiadomosci-z-zycia-uczelni/14340-wyniki-badan-naukowcow-i-studentow-sum-zdobyly-swiatowy-rozglos-falszywe-przekonania-o-covid- 19-exacerbate-drug-and-depressions

Medicine and biotechnology