Polish scientists create a bionic pancreas printed in 3D


Polish scientists are developing a revolutionary solution. They want to create a bionic pancreas, printed in 3D, that would function like a real organ, producing insulin and glucagon.

Bionic pancreas would be built in a similar way as bone elements are printed. Currently, printing of vessels and the creation of the entire vascular system are underway. Creating a bionic pancreas is a chance for a normal life for people with type 1 diabetes, when the pancreas stops producing insulin.

The project “Bioprinting 3D of the bionic pancreas” is financed by the National Center for Research and Development. It is to end in December 2019 and its value is estimated at PLN 24.7 million.

Research is carried out by the Bionic Consortium, whose leader is the Foundation for Research and Development of Science. The consortium also includes Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw Medical University, Nencki Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Infant Jesus Clinical Hospital and MediSpace company.

Innovations Medicine and biotechnology