Polish scientists discovered a new species of dinosaur


Scientists from the Institute of Paleobiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and the Faculty of Biology of the University of Warsaw (UW) have discovered a new aetosaur and other fossils in the town of Kocury in southern Poland. 

The Institute of Paleobiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences reminds that the historic site in Kocury provided the first certain remains of Polish dinosaurs in 1932, but it was quickly forgotten. However, recent re-research allowed to the discovery of new fossils of late Triassic vertebrates, including lungfish, turtles and the new aetosaurus, the Kocurypelta silvestris.

This new species presents an unusual skull anatomy, but fairly typical skin armor. This points to the need for a revision of the aetosaur taxonomy, which relies heavily on the characteristics of the skin armor.

