Polish universities join the latest Webometrics ranking


The latest Webometrics ranking includes 31,000 universities from over 200 countries, including over 300 universities from Poland. The 342nd place in the world has been taken by the University of Warsaw, and 380th by the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

The remaining Polish universities took following places: AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków (572), Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (624) and Warsaw University of Technology (653).

The international Webometrics ranking is based on bibliometric and webometric indicators. The ranking methodology takes into account 3 indicators: visiblity / impact (as other websites are willing to redirect to the content on the university’s website), transparency / openness (citations from the 210 best public university profiles, excluding the first twenty) and excellence (the university’s share in the most cited scientific publications).


Higher education