Poznań University of Economics student wins European Financial Congress Academy competition

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu

Gabriel Chrostowski, a first-year second-year student of Economic Data Analytics at the Poznań University of Economics, has won the EKF Academy essay competition as part of the European Financial Congress 2023 in Sopot.

The Academy attracted 187 participants – students from universities in Poland and the UK, recommended by their supervisors, who associate their future with the areas of banking and capital markets, data analytics, financial advisory or strategic consulting. 

The reviewers of the entries identified 47 most interesting, coherent essays presenting their own thoughts supported by innovative and original arguments, which made it to the final stage of the competition. In the final stage, the essay and speech by a student from the Poznań University “Poland in the Eurozone, or reforms, reforms and more reforms” received the best marks.

Read more: https://ue.poznan.pl/aktualnosci/student-uep-zwyciezca-konkursu-na-esej-w-ramach-akademii-ekf-2023/

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