Poznan University of Technology (PP) has concluded an agreement with IDEAS NCBR – a research and development centre established by the National Centre for Research and Development operating in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital economy. The agreement provides new opportunities to train young researchers in the field of artificial intelligence.
“The object of the agreement is to recruit doctoral students who will study at the PP Doctoral School and at the same time work at our R&D centre. In addition to attractive salaries, young scientists will be provided with the opportunity to participate in international conferences and cooperate with scientists from all over the world on pioneering research projects”, says Prof. Piotr Sankowski of IDEAS NCRD.
The agreement will enable the creation of additional places at the doctoral school and create a dedicated working environment for young scientists, allowing them to combine their duties under the School’s programme with research work under the wings of global AI authorities.
Read more: https://www.put.poznan.pl/artykul/wspolpraca-politechniki-poznanskiej-z-ideas-ncbr