Poznan University of Technology strengthens scientific cooperation with Ukraine’s Sumy State University

Politechnika Poznańska

The Institute of Materials Technology at Poznan University of Technology is implementing the project ‘Strengthening scientific cooperation between Poznan University of Technology and Sumy State University in the field of mechanical engineering’, funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange.

The aim of the project is to enable Ukrainian scientists to continue their scientific research despite the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, and to develop modern teaching materials to make it easier for Ukrainian students to study at universities outside Ukraine.

As part of the project, a book ‘Augmented Reality for Engineering Graphics’ is being written and will be published by Springer. The innovation of the textbook lies in the use of augmented reality models that will ‘bring to life’ the drawings and enable the reader to observe the models in motion, as well as assemble and disassemble the described objects. To this end, the ‘AR for Engineering Graphics’ app has been developed and can be downloaded from Google Play and the App Store. 

Read more: https://www.put.poznan.pl/artykul/projekt-z-sumy-state-university-na-polmetku

Technical sciences