Project led by Prof. Marian Paluch co-financed within the Maestro call


The project “Simulation and experimental studies of liquids forming glass based on the new strategy of effective molecular modeling” led by Prof. Marian Paluch, director of the Silesian Inter-University Center for Education and Interdisciplinary Research, was co-financed within the Maestro 10 call of the National Science Center.

The team of Prof. Paluch will check how the architecture of molecules, the spatial distribution of their charge and their stiffness affect the structural, dynamic and thermodynamic properties of entire systems.

Based on the results, the researchers want to determine which intramolecular properties are most important for the processes characteristic of subcooled liquids: crystallization, dynamic growth of heterogeneity during system cooling and density scaling. As a result, it will be possible to standardize the results obtained for simple and real materials.
