Projects of the University of Silesia co-financed within the “University of the Young Explorer” call


The National Center for Research and Development has announced a list of projects co-financed in the “University of the Young Explorer” call under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development. 11 projects will be implemented by the University of Silesia.

The aim of the projects will be to develop educational programs and to implement teaching activities for children and teenagers from 6 to 16 years of age. These activities serve to stimulate their cognitive curiosity, stimulate intellectual, axiological and social development, inspire creative thinking and develop interests and passions, promote the culture of innovation, and familiarize with the academic environment and the university as a place for scientific viewing of reality and integration of the local community around centers academic
The competition was open to public and non-public universities, which prepared projects that ensure the development of key competences and universal skills for children and youngsters.

Higher education Research and development