Julia Gertner-Hryniewiecka, a history student at the Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Łódź (UŁ), is carrying out a project entitled ‘Research on the Participation of Polish Women in Missions Abroad – Status and Perspectives’ in cooperation with the United Nations Association of Veterans of Peace Missions.
The aim of the project is to analyse the current state of research on the participation of Polish women in missions beyond national borders after 1945, and then, based on the results of the analysis, to propose paths for further development of research on this poorly understood subject.
Poland has been present in missions and peacekeeping operations since 1953, i.e. since the establishment of the Supervisory Commission of Neutral States in Korea. During this time, more than 120,000 Poles have participated in nearly 120 operations.
Women have been present in these operations from the very beginning. At first as auxiliary personnel, e.g. translators, clerks, nurses, and after the regime changes also as female soldiers.