Dr Katarzyna Suszyńska from the Department of Market and Service Research at the Poznań University of Economics has won a MINIATURA 7 grant from the National Science Centre. Thanks to this, she will carry out the project “Criteria for allocating social housing. Towards a sustainable housing policy’.
The problems of the project focus on social housing and housing policy aimed at meeting the needs of the indigent and middle-income people. The aim is to identify and evaluate the current criteria for allocating housing from the municipal stock and, on this basis, to develop innovative solutions in this area.
The survey will determine the awareness of decision-makers of the limitations of the current housing allocation system, the need for reform of the system as well as the readiness of individuals to implement a system of multidimensional housing selection criteria that supports social inclusion and demarginalisation of vulnerable groups.
Read more: https://ue.poznan.pl/aktualnosci/dr-katarzyna-suszynska-otrzymala-grant-w-konkursie-miniatura-7/