Researcher from the University of Silesia to study extreme cyclones


Dr Łukasz Pawlik from the Faculty of Earth Sciences at the University of Silesia is a laureate of the UWERTURA 2 competition announced by the National Science Center (NCN). He received more than 112 thousand PLN for his research of cyclones.

Dr Pawlik is implementing the WINDIMPACT research project. He conducts research on extreme force cyclones, including their impact on biogeomorphological and soil systems. Thanks to the subsidy, the climatologist will hold an internship at the University of Reading in Great Britain. He will work there in a team headed by Prof. Sandy P. Harrison.

The UWERTURA 2 competition is addressed to scientists with at least a PhD degree, who were managers of research projects co-financed by the National Science Center and plan to conduct a foreign internship. Thanks to this, they are given the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in the international grant system.

Higher education Research and development