Researcher from Wrocław University of Life Sciences to investigate genetic basis of piglet mortality

fot. Ed Stone info@edstonephotograph/Rex Features/EAST NEWS

Dr Błażej Nowak from the Department of Genetics at the Wrocław University of Life Sciences will analyse the genetic basis of stillbirths of piglets by hyperplasic (sows giving birth to very numerous litters) sows based on a genome-wide association study. He has received a grant from the Miniatura competition of the National Science Centre for his study.

“Breeding work leading to increased sow fertility is one of the main reasons for reduced piglet survival in the perinatal period and deterioration in the reproductive health of sows. While in 1992 in Denmark the average number of piglets born per litter was less than 12, in 2018 it was already close to 19 piglets”, says Dr Nowak.

Increased fertility not only causes serious economic losses, but also affects the health and welfare of sows by, among other things, administering hormonal agents or interfering with the female’s reproductive tract.

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Medicine and biotechnology