Scientists studied the diet of Polish storks

fot. Kazimierz Walas Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu

Polish scientists have studied the diet of storks. The results of a study of stork spits – undigested food scraps that storks, like birds of prey and owls, spit out, providing scientists with excellent material for research – have been published in the journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 

The findings are alarming and point to a widespread problem of pollution from man-made waste, even in rural areas. 

“If one were to do a street poll asking what the stork eats, the simplest and quickest association would probably be one – frogs. Well, this is long overdue and untrue, because there are simply not enough frogs, and in fact, even under experimental conditions, they are never the storks’ favourite dish. And in the diet of Polish storks, it is, unfortunately, easier to find rubbish than these proverbial frogs”, says Professor Piotr Tryjanowski from the Department of Zoology at the Poznań University of Life Sciences. 

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Medicine and biotechnology