Researcher of the University of Economics in Katowice joins the European Academy of Sciences and Arts


Prof. Ewa Ziemba from the Department of Computer Science and International Accounting at the University of Economics in Katowice has joined the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA).

EASA is a prestigious and elite international non-governmental organization established in 1990 by the member states of the European Community. It associates over 2 thousand leading representatives of the humanities, medical, arts, natural, social, technical, religious and management sciences who conduct innovative research, engages in interdisciplinary and transnational cooperation, as well as exchange and dissemination of knowledge.

The aim of EASA is to analyze and solve the problems facing the European community and to foster pan-European scientific and artistic performance, in cooperation with scholars, government, non-governmental and business communities. Poland is represented by 30 outstanding scientists from various scientific disciplines.

