Two projects involving researchers from the Faculty of Fundamental Technological Problems, Wrocław University of Technology have been selected for funding under the QuantERA 2023 competition, the university reports.
Dr Eng. Anna Musiał, together with teams from the University of Tampere (Finland), the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Sweden) the University of Würzburg (Germany) and The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission in Grenoble (France), will deal with ‘Fibre-optic tunable single photon sources with a GaSb single quantum dot active region applied to the implementation of quantum key distribution under field conditions’.
Dr Eng Michal Gawełczyk will be the leader of a team working with partners from the UK, Austria, Germany on ‘Memory-Enhanced Entanglement Distribution with Gallium ARsenide quantum Dots’ (‘Memory-Enhanced Entanglement Distribution with Gallium ARsenide quantum Dots’).
Read more: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/naukowcy-z-w11-wsrod-laureatow-konkursu-quantera-13169.html