Researchers of the Koszalin University of Technology working out porous coatings on a titanium substrate


The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Koszalin University of Technology is working out porous coatings on a titanium substrate. New coatings will be used in industry.

The work is carried out as part of the project “Development of models of new porous coatings formed on titanium using plasma electrochemical oxidation in electrolytes containing phosphoric acid and calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc nitrates”, co-financed by the National Science Center under the OPUS 11 program.

The research team includes scientists from Poland, Norway, France, Germany, the Czech Republic and Finland. The coatings can be used as substrates for automotive or industrial catalysts, or as biocompatible layers produced on biomaterials. Scientists are planning their further hybridization by filling the pores with materials with the desired characteristics.

Innovations Research and development