Researchers of the University of Warsaw make groundbreaking discovery


Researchers from the University of Warsaw (UW) have discovered a new method for efficient producing mRNA. The scientists described the results of the research in “Nucleic Acids Research”. The article was recognized by reviewers as a breakthrough for the development of science.

Scientists from the University of Warsaw under the guidance of Prof. Jacek Jemielity, Dr Joanna Kowalska and Dr Paweł Sikorski described a new method for efficient producing information RNAs (mRNA) that differ in the type of the first transcribed nucleotide. In information RNA, obtained by far the most commonly used method, the first transcribed nucleotide is guanosine. Replacement of guanosine with another nucleotide increases the level of protein biosynthesis in dendritic cells up to 60-fold, for example in the cells of activity for cancer vaccines.

“The publication of researchers from the University of Warsaw received the status of “Breakthrough Paper”- a groundbreaking article for the development of science from the reviewers of the magazine “Nucleic Acids Research”. Research opens new possibilities in designing informational RNAs that have much better biological properties than anything that has been developed in this field so far.


Medicine and biotechnology