Rzeszow University of Technology researching on power-to-gas technology

B. Motyka PRz

Dr Miroslaw Szukiewicz, Professor of Rzeszow University of Technology (PRz) from the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at the Faculty of Chemistry, is conducting research on new solutions related to the process of hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to methane.  The scientist and his team have developed an invention “Method of conducting the carbon dioxide methanation process” submitted to the Patent Office. The Polish Energy Group is interested in the proposed solutions.

The team is researching a way to make practical use of the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide, i.e. a technology referred to as Power-to-Gas. The PtG process is used to convert surplus electricity into a valuable gas in a combined process: electrolysis of water produces hydrogen, which in the next stage reacts with carbon dioxide to yield methane.

The implementation of the process is important for the environment because it reduces carbon dioxide emissions, while also providing an opportunity to obtain synthetic gas, which is important in the context of the energy crisis.

Research and development