Scientist from Gdynia becomes a member of the General Bathymetric management committee of the Chart of the Oceans


Capt. Dr. Eng. Karolina Zwolak from the Naval Academy in Gdynia was nominated to the GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans) Guiding Committee – a management committee of an international organization dealing with the creation of large-area bathymetric ocean maps.

GEBCO brings together hydrographs, oceanographers, and geophysicists representing scientific and commercial governmental organizations. GEBCO products are developed in many formats based on the world’s largest measurement databases from research cruises and are available free of charge for scientific and commercial applications.

The roots of GEBCO date back to 1903, when the commission for underwater nomenclature initiated the development of the first general bathymetric maps of the Atlantic. Currently, GEBCO operates under the auspices of the International Hydrographic Organization and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission.
