Scientist of Poznań writes work on the mechanism of dexamethasone transport in the blood


Dr Eng. Dariusz Brzeziński, scientist of the Institute of Computer Science of the Poznań University of Technology is a co-author of the work on the mechanism of transport of dexamethasone in the blood and its possible impact on the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

The researcher from Poznań worked with scientists from the University of Virginia School of Medicine, University of South Carolina and the Medical University of Białystok. Scientists have determined how a protein in our blood, called serum albumin, takes dexamethasone and carries it to where it is needed. Low serum albumin levels are considered a major risk factor.

A new discovery regarding the transport of dexamethasone, (a drug that can increase the chances of survival for patients with severe COVID-19), suggests that diabetes and other factors could reduce its potentially life-saving effectiveness. Based on their findings, the researchers say doctors may need to rethink the dosing of the drug for specific groups of patients.

Medicine and biotechnology