Scientist of the Gdańsk University of Technology researching process of frying cooking oil


Dr Eng. Tomasz Majchrzak from the Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology studies the process of frying cooking oils. It checks what substances are formed at each stage of oil heating and what can be read by analyzing the chemical composition of oil vapours and what riddles are hidden in volatile chemical compounds.  

The scientist runs the project under the Preludium grant. It uses proton transfer mass spectrometry to track what chemicals are formed in the first seconds of the frying process and what the growth characteristics of these compounds are available in the rest of the process.

In research, he also uses an “electronic nose” to assess the quality and freshness of the oil used for frying. This shortens the qualitative assessment process – there is no need to take a sample of the substance and test it in a laboratory using additional solvents. Properly calibrated electronic nose sensors will assess the quality of the oil and the compliance of the frying process with the standards.


Medicine and biotechnology