Scientist of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław creates an apparatus for analyzing the granulometric composition


Professor Jarosław Kaszubkiewicz from the Department of Physics and Water Management of Soils of the University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw is developing an apparatus for analyzing the granulometric composition integrated with the system of changing samples. The apparatus can be used in agriculture and construction.

The granulometric composition is a basic soil property and is given on all soil maps. It is also marked in the production of concrete, cement or building ceramics, where it is necessary to assess the parameters of the raw material.

Until now, it has been marked with the use of highly labor-intensive methods, but the apparatus of the Wrocław scientist, created in cooperation with Przedsiębiorstwo Doradztwa i Wdrożeń Arcanum, introduces automation, which will simplify measurement and reduce costs.

Project of Prof. Kaszubkiewicz received funding from the Mozart program, supported by the municipality of Wrocław and organized by the Wrocław Academic Center.
