Scientist of the University of Szczecin becomes a laureate of the Competition for the Best IT Book


Polish IT Societies selected the Best Polish IT Book of 2019. The competition was conducted in the following categories: the best textbook and popular science publication as well as the best scientific publication. One of the awarded authors is a scientist of the University of Szczecin.

In the category of scientific publications, the jury decided not to award the main prize and it gave just one distinction. It was obtained by Dr Karol Kuczera from the University of Szczecin for the book “Virtual organization”.
Prof. Wojciech Dyduch from the University of Economics in Katowice, emphasized in his review the methodological and substantive correctness of this publication. – The book has a large theoretical and conceptual worth, it is provided with original considerations, interesting combinations, operationalizations and empirical illustrations.


Technical sciences