Scientist of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology becomes a scholarship holder of the Kościuszko Foundation


Dr Eng. Jan Zaręba, Faculty of Chemistry at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology was awarded a scholarship from the Kościuszko Foundation. For three months, he will conduct his research at the Institute of Molecular Design at New York University. He will go to the USA to learn the design and synthesis of crystal sponges and will work in the group of Prof. Michael D. Ward, a specialist of the engineering of crystal structures. 

– Crystalline sponges developed in the group of Prof. Ward’s are distinguished by the fact that they are solids based largely on hydrogen bonds. They have free spaces where another chemical compound can be placed, for example with the desired optical properties – says Dr Zaręba.

Each year, the scholarship is awarded to approximately 40 researchers from Poland. In this way, the Kościuszko Foundation supports scientific exchange between Poland and the USA. Scholarship holders gain funds to start research at a renowned American university.


Medicine and biotechnology Research and development