Scientists from the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław and the Lodz University of Technology are developing an innovative technology of freeze-drying strawberries. Thanks to the innovative method, the fruit will retain a fuller flavor, aroma and nutritional value.
The assumption of the project, for which the National Center for Research and Development has allocated almost PLN 2 million, is to design and develop an innovative sublimation dryer with continuous operation. It will allow to shorten freeze-drying process of strawberries doing it more convenient, and fruit losses will be much smaller.
Strawberries will retain a fuller flavor and aroma and a higher nutritional value longer than those previously freeze-dried in industrial conditions. The quality parameters of the final product will be controlled and optimized using artificial intelligence algorithms. As a consequence, a significantly improved final product will be created – freeze-dried strawberry particles with a specific shape (e.g. in the form of cubes, slices) and of increased quality.