Scientists of the Medical University of Wrocław join the international Sapience project


The Medical University of Wrocław has become a partner of an international grant under the European Joint Program on Rare Diseases (EJP RD). The project ‘SAPIENCE – Social and psychological long-term impact of NMDA receptor encephalitis’ concerns patients with rare diseases and their caregivers. 

It is the so-called dyad – the patient and informal caregiver will be at the center of scientists’ interest. Clinical trials will be conducted in Germany, Spain and France. Coded questionnaires will be sent to Poland, where scientists will deal with the qualitative part of the research, specifying psychosocial variables in the above-mentioned model of care.

The project with a budget of almost one million euro is implemented by the consortium: Charité -Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Humboldt-University Berlin (Germany), Fundacio Clinic per a la Recerca Biomédica (Spain) and French reference center on paraneoplastic neurological diseases and autoimmune encephalitis, Hôpital neurologique (France).


Medicine and biotechnology