Scientists of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin created a tool to assess intellectual well-being 


Scientists of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin have created a tool to assess intellectual well-being. The LiverBrain mobile application was developed in cooperation with specialists in modern technologies from the Maritime University of Szczecin and Algomedica.

The well-being of the body is based on the balance between physical and mental performance. With the course of life and with chronic diseases, problems with remembering and concentrating attention may arise, but the initial stage of disorders may be unnoticeable by patients and the surrounding, which is the reason for delayed diagnosis.

Recognizing problems early is very important as it can prevent the disease from getting worse. However, with mild symptoms, making a correct diagnosis is not easy, because in this situation a standard examination may not show any abnormalities. Only additional sensitive tests may indicate discrete deviations from the norm.


Innovations Medicine and biotechnology