Scientists of the Rzeszów University of Technology studying the components of snake venom


Rzeszów University of Technology, as the only university in Poland is participating in an international research project which consists in studying the components of snake venom. 

The project is implemented by scientists, doctors and entrepreneurs from 31 countries. It is supposed to help in the preparation of serums that save people’s lives, but also help in the fight against neoplastic diseases.

Research on the potential hidden in the venom of dangerous snakes is carried out by a team from the chemical department of the Rzeszów University of Technology. Scientists are distinguishing components of cobra venom and studying their properties. So far, they have discovered proteins that have antibacterial properties and inhibit the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They also began testing the effects of poison toxins on cancer cells.

The goal of the Rzeszów scientists is to isolate and check if the venom components are able to fight cancer cells without damaging other cells.

Medicine and biotechnology