Scientists to investigate the relationship between intestinal microflora and schizophrenia


Researchers from the Medical University of Wrocław, the Pomeranian Medical University and the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław will investigate the role of microflora and colon barrier permeability in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.

The research goal is to check whether the subgroup of patients, which has a very unfavorable course of the disease and a number of negative symptoms, additionally stands out in terms of the composition of the microflora. Scientists have obtained over PLN 1 million from the Opus 16 program for their work.

Research can increase the data about psychobiotics – specially selected strains of bacteria that are being checked in the case of depression as supportive care. According to the first analyzes, psychobiotics can not only increase the effectiveness of treatment, but also alleviate some side effects of psychiatric drugs.


Medicine and biotechnology